Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Couponing Tips and Websites

I have only been "extreme couponing" for the last three weeks and I thought that for those who are just starting - I'd offer a few things I have learned. A lot of the couponing sites highlight the best deals - but sometimes the best deals are not for everyone. On my first week-I bought 2 razors and 2 shaving creams at CVS because after coupons and extra bucks the items were free - but I did not factor in the taxes I had to pay. I walked out from CVS almost $3 poorer with $20 worth of products I don't even use - I think that defeated the whole purpose of why I wanted to get into this - to save money.

Here is a list of what I have learned.

1. Be Organized. Make a list of the "deals" you find while browsing. I normally just copy and paste those deals to a word file sorted by store. At the end of the week or when I want to shop - I print out my list, remove the coupons I need from my coupon binder, clip it to my list and go to the store.

2. Print out the coupons you want ASAP. (the ones you think you will need anyways). The good coupons and high value coupons run out fast. In the past 3 weeks I have printed coupons for $5 of Bengay and Zyrtec and $1 off Reach dental floss. Using these coupons enable me to get the products practically for free.

3. Do not print coupons for items you don't use. They may in the future be part of a great deal - but ask yourself - will you have use for it? I've printed coupons for hair color and laundry detergents we don't use. Personally - I think it was a waste of time and paper.

4. Where to get coupons? My favorite coupon sites are,, and

5. My favorite websites to get information: (great source for Albertsons match-ups) (they have a weekly list in pdf or excel of the coupons that come with the sunday paper)

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