Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kikkoman On My Mind

I was stuck in traffic on my way to work and as usual - I started thinking about food and what I should cook for dinner.  I thought fried pork chops dipped in Soy-calamansi  and chili would be great - but I forgot doctor orders dictate that I try not to eat anything fried - I dont want my triglycerides and bad cholestorol shooting up the roof again, so instead of fried - I will have to grill the pork chops - not exactly the same but ok I guess.

Talking about soy sauce - here's a great deal from Kikkoman. (I think Kikkoman soy sauce is really good as a dipping sauce - not so much for cooking. For cooking  stick with the regular Filipino Soy Sauce. Remember to print from 2 computers because you will need at least 3 coupons to get this deal)

Kikkoman Soy Sauce (or any Kikkoman Sauce) $1.42 at Walmart
$1/1 Kikkoman Product Coupon 
Final price: $.42

Buy 3 Kikkoman Soy Sauce (or any Kikkoman Sauce) and get a FREE grilling gift from Kikkoman: a FREE basting brush, grocery tote or grilling apron. Here’s how:
  1. Purchase any three Kikkoman sauces
  2. Save your receipt(s)
  3. Print and fill out the Kikkoman Rebate Form
  4. Mail the completed form and your receipt(s) to the address provided
  5. Receive your gift in a few weeks!
    Qualifying purchases need to be made between 5/1/2011 and 8/31/2011.  Requests must be post marked by 9/18/2011. One submission per envelope - so if you buy 6 submit  twice :)

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